Blogtober Day 2- My Fall Bucket List

October 2nd 2018


Taking a look at the memories I want to make this fall~

My favorite thing to do at the start of each new season is to make a bucket list. That is why I felt that starting Blogtober with a bucket list will really help kick things off. You see, I find that when I write down what I want to do in the upcoming month, I am more likely to stick to it and hold myself accountable. Plus, I find it really fun to go back at the end of the month and reflect on my goals for the season.

  1. Go apple/pumpkin picking- 
    Apple and pumpkin picking is something that I love to do more than once every season. I love heading out to a farm or field to get fresh fruit and pumpkins, and so do my friends. I find that spending time out picking things and enjoy nature is a great way to bond…and eat tons of apples.

  2. Go to the Sunflower Field or Sunflower Maze- There are 2 sunflower fields on the Island that I am aware of so hopefully, I can make it to at least one this fall!
  3. Get dressed up for Halloween- I’m not sure what I want to be this year, but I love dressing up so I would love any excuse to try a new costume out. Getting dressed up makes me feel so much more in the spirit.
  4. See the new Halloween movie (A true classic)- I LOVE horror movies and my friend Kait expressed interest in seeing this with me so I am hoping she sticks to that!
  5. Get outside and watch the leaves change (and get tons of pictures)- I have a beautiful preserve near my house and a lot of other hiking options as well, so I would love to spend time outside admiring nature at this time of year. The air always smells so fresh in fall.

  6. Go to the cider mill at least once- 
    I live and work just minutes from a cider mill that is open 365 days a year and I never go. I want to change that this year and try to go as regularly as I can.

  7. Attend a fair or fall themed event- I have plans to possibly go to Universal Halloween Horror Nights, The Rise of the Jack O’ Lanterns, and a few other fall fairs in the area. No saying I’ll make it to any of those, but I would love to try!
  8. nancy
    Read at least one book- 
    This seems like the perfect month to read some Nancy Drew.

What is on your fall bucket list this year?



Published by


Jess, 25, yogi, believer in things, book worm, shy, aspiring human of Earth. I like to spend my time on a yoga mat, typing away with my thoughts, or taking pictures of anything and everything. Stop on by for everything from self-care to book reviews to fashion posts and more!

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