My Month in Self-Care- Week 1

July 1st 2018


A month for me, by me~ 

At the end of June, I declared that July would be a month dedicated to self-care.  Seeing that I often advocate for the importance of self-care on my blog, it was an upsetting realization that I wasn’t dedicating enough time to my personal self-care. That is why I thought it would be great to do a month in self-care. Not only will this series allow me a break from thinking about new blog posts to write, but it is also a way to hold myself accountable for self-care goals I have for the month (without getting overly attached or pressured by said goals).

This series will be coming out every Sunday on my blog and they will essentially be a week update on how I did with my self-care that week, goals for the following week, and a general update regarding my state of mind. If you would like to keep up with me and join in the month of self-care, please feel free to do so! You can participate independently, in the comments, or even as your own series if you want and need inspiration!

So here is my list of goals for the upcoming week:

  1. Write whenever I feel inspired and try to get a jump on scheduling for July
  2. Take some time to read at night before bed at least twice this week, even if it’s only a few minutes
  3. Put on makeup a few days this week, dress and present myself well for myself and no one else
  4. Keep active. Kick butt in the July Beach Challenge on my Samsung Health app
  5. Don’t cave to junk food or snacks. Stick to eating clean and nourishing my body like it deserves.

I am looking forward to exploring the importance of these 5 goals over the next week, as well as looking for new forms of self-care that make me happy and fulfilled. Can’t wait to come back with an update next Sunday!


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Jess, 25, yogi, believer in things, book worm, shy, aspiring human of Earth. I like to spend my time on a yoga mat, typing away with my thoughts, or taking pictures of anything and everything. Stop on by for everything from self-care to book reviews to fashion posts and more!

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