Wish You Were Here: Where to Next?

September 18th 2018

On the move again, sooner than I thought!

Although I just got back from Florida and finished my series of travel posts, I am already ready to head back. I am super happy to say that I already have a girls’ week planned to go to Florida, particularly Universal to enjoy the Halloween season. However, this trip has got me thinking so far beyond Florida into the bigger future and asking myself, “where to next?”

Well, you see, I started the year making a list of places I hoped to get to and I still haven’t given up on that list and, if anything, the list has grown. So after Florida is done, I am ready to prepare for even more travels. So here is my list of travel destinations.

  1. New Orleans- 
    New Orleans has been on my list for such a long time because it is so rich in history and in spirit. I would love to go there and take a ghost tour and check out some of the local hot spots. I am not sure I’d go for Mardi Gras because it would probably be super pricey, but it is fun to think about. I also really want beignets!

  2. Nashville- 
    Nashville is an epicenter of music and culture and art. I have seen so many beautiful pictures of other people’s trips and would love to see the city firsthand. I’m not huge into country music, but I have a very open mind and would love to explore new music.

  3. Gettysburg- 
    My friend Angie and I have been dying to take a trip to Gettysburg for a bit of an extended girls’ weekend. Since we both love learning and exploring, we felt that a city with so much history would be a great place to visit (and take a fun ghost tour).

  4. Howe Cavern- 
    This place has been on my friend Katie and my list all year. I am hoping to get to go for a weekend in the fall or maybe next spring. It is a super cool cavern that you can tour and it has this room with a glowing stone heart in the floor. Plus it is upstate where we can watch the leaves change!

  5. Salem- 
    I might have to save this one for next year, but it is super high on my list because of my love of Halloween and fall and all things witchy. My goal is to go and visit all of the filming locations from the movie Hocus Pocus, and see the Bewitched statue. I went to Salem in high school and felt super rushed and I would love to explore it in more depth and maybe take a day to visit Boston too.

  6. Baltimore Harbor- 
    I have been to the Harbor twice on school trips, but only as a brief lunch and shopping stop. I really want to go and actually stay there to explore the aquarium and take a boat tour and explore what the city has to offer. It would be a nice quick weekend.

  7. Sapphire- 
    Sapphire is in North Carolina roughly 3 hours away from where I am potentially moving next year. I stumbled upon it one day while browsing things to do in NC and I fell in love. I would love to go camping (or glamping) with my friends either from NY or potential new friends I make down there. Either way, I think it is a beautiful place that I would love to explore.

  8. Toronto- 
    I have been wanting to take a trip to Toronto for some time now because it seems like a truly beautiful city. Plus any excuse to bust out my passport seems like a good time. I would love to see Niagara Falls from the Canada side since I have already seen it from the New York side many times.

Where do you hope to travel next?


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Jess, 25, yogi, believer in things, book worm, shy, aspiring human of Earth. I like to spend my time on a yoga mat, typing away with my thoughts, or taking pictures of anything and everything. Stop on by for everything from self-care to book reviews to fashion posts and more!

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