Self-Care Corner: Valentine’s Day Mental Health Tips

February 13th 2018


The most important kind of love is the love you have for yourself~

Valentine’s Day is here once again. A day filled with sweets and love hearts and happy couples getting overpriced dinners at restaurants. However, Valentine’s Day is also a day that can cause feelings of sadness and loneliness for some, which is why I have chosen to make this edition of Self-Care Corner about your relationship with yourself on Valentine’s Day.

I may not be single currently, but I have been single for many Valentine’s Days of the past and know how it can feel and also, I am spending Valentine’s Day alone this year because of my long distance relationship. I am aware of the feelings of stress and inadequacy that one can create in their own head when they are surrounded by people going on their merry way in mushy gushy love all day long.

However, I like to believe that the most important love you can have is self-love. So whether you’re happy or sad that you’re spending Valentine’s Day alone, here are just a few things you can do to enjoy some self-love:

  1. Surround yourself with friends- Since my boyfriend lives over an hour away, I am used to not seeing him on holidays or occasions that fall on weekdays. So since I will be spending Valentine’s Day “alone” this year, I have chosen to not spend it lonely. Have a friend date! Stream some movies and hang out all evening watching them. Order in food or go out and enjoy some overpriced prix fixe menu at some hip restaurant. Being single doesn’t mean shunning yourself from society on Valentine’s Day.
  2. Have a pamper day- Get your nails done, get a massage, get your hair blown out, take a bubble bath, put on a face mask, stay in bed all day, get dressed up for no reason, do whatever makes you feel the most pampered and relaxed. Take the day to remind yourself why you love yourself!
  3. Remember that being single doesn’t mean you’re not adequate- Some people enjoy being single and that is swell and awesome, but don’t feel bad for feeling sad that you are. Just remember,”your value does not decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” Being single does not make you defective or less than worthy. The universe has a plan for you. Don’t let your relationship status on a consumer holiday make you feel like you’re anything less than wonderful.

I think the most important point I’m trying to make is that you are not your relationships status. Whether you’re single, in a distance relationship, or any other situation that leaves you feeling lonely one Valentine’s Day, just know that it is another day of the year and it is not worth sacrificing your self worth or mental health over.

How are you practicing self care this Valentine’s Day? I’m going to try spending an evening with a friend or two and maybe get some journaling done! Share your own Valentine’s self care routines below, I’d love some inspiration of fun things to do!


If you have any suggestions for self care and mental health topics you would like me to discuss next, leave a comment below!

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Jess, 25, yogi, believer in things, book worm, shy, aspiring human of Earth. I like to spend my time on a yoga mat, typing away with my thoughts, or taking pictures of anything and everything. Stop on by for everything from self-care to book reviews to fashion posts and more!

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