How To Be The Best Blogger You Can Be in 2019

January 14th 2019


Starting a blog can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are a few tips and tricks to get you started, keep you going, and get you creating your best content!

I started blogging in 2016 around my birthday in late February. I created a WordPress account and had absolutely no clue what I was doing. I wrote posts and posted them whenever I felt like it, whether that meant 1 post in the span of 2 months or 4 posts in the span of 2 days. I just wrote whenever I felt like it and ignored my blog entirely until I felt the desire to pick it up again.

If this kind of blogging appeals to you then awesome, keep doing what you’re doing, I’m not sure if this post will be of much use to you. However, in my case, the way I was blogging quickly became unfulfilling and I was hungry to do more. I went from a shy girl who was afraid to even let her closest friends read her work, to someone who was ready and willing to put her work out to a bunch of strangers. I just needed to figure out how to take that leap and go for it…which brings me to my first tip.

Tip #1- Tag your work

This was my first step to getting where I am now. I wrote the same way I always had, but I started tagging my posts and people began reading, liking, and even commenting and following! Using hashtags not only helps people find your posts, but searching through the tags you use can help you find writers who have similar styles, tastes, and interests to you. This makes it easier for you to find other bloggers to interact with and gain some key insights….which brings me to the second tip.

Tip #2- Read other people’s work

One thing I really see rings true quite often is that good readers are often good writers. The more you read, the more likely it will be that you will find a writing style that resonates with you and will, in turn, contribute to your unique style of writing. On top of that, reading other people’s work opens up the door to building relationships and networking with other writers. If someone is writing a unique style of post that you would love to try yourself, reach out and ask them if you can try it out and tag them for their idea. Creating these mutually beneficial relationships really helps you create more inspired content and helps you integrate yourself into the blogging community.

Tip #3- Think SEO

I have noticed that a lot of people write awesome posts but they get very little recognition. This isn’t for lack of skill or interest in what they are talking about, but instead it is because of one thing, SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which sounds super scary but I promise it isn’t. SEO literally just refers to how high or relevant your content is considered on search engines.

My first piece of advice for improving SEO is to post consistently. Sites like google often view a site to be more credible if it is active, creating new content regularly, and has a lot of back linking (which brings us back to the benefits of collaboration and communication with other bloggers).  Another huge piece of advice is to be mindful of your titles. If you are writing a post about a trip you took to Bali over the summer, make sure your title references something about travel or Bali! If you’re making a cooking post, the title should include what you’re making or some use of the word “recipe”.

I see so often that posts get overlooked because people will title their recipe post “Lunch in the Park on a Sunny Day” without ever mentioning that they are teaching you how to make a quiche. Or people titling their travel post with “Living the Adventure” without making any reference to the post being about a trip to Bali or about travel at all. I know that vague and artsy titles sound cool and I still use them too, but if you want to be recognized for a specific type of post, be sure people and search engines know that!

Tip #4- Create a posting schedule

Consistency is really key. I have found that my following and engagement have increased substantially when I chose to post consistently. When you post consistently, people know when to expect posts and return to your page for these posts like a set routine! I made a spreadsheet at the start of 2018 to keep track of my blogging and it has done wonders! I wrote a post about it early last year because it has really been a game changer and has saved me from falling behind so many times!

Tip #5- Don’t do too much

My last and most important tip is this; don’t do too much. Starting a blog or getting into a more intense blogging regimen is an intense process. You may be tempted to try to post every day and go crazy with trying to network and get seen. But I really urge you to take your time. Write about what makes you feel passionate and the right people will find you. Writer’s burnout is a tough thing to work through so taking the extra time to make sure you’re working only in a way that feels correct to you is super vital.


I would really love to write more about starting a blog and staying on track, so if you have any questions or topics you want me to cover then feel free to leave a comment below and I will see what I can do to help!


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Jess, 25, yogi, believer in things, book worm, shy, aspiring human of Earth. I like to spend my time on a yoga mat, typing away with my thoughts, or taking pictures of anything and everything. Stop on by for everything from self-care to book reviews to fashion posts and more!

16 thoughts on “How To Be The Best Blogger You Can Be in 2019

  1. You sound very down to earth about blogging. It’s refreshing. I have great optimization scores on Yoast seo, but I only see traffic from search engines every couple of days. Is that just a matter of time…or do you think it’s more of a puzzle I haven’t put together well? My topics range from saturated – like DIY sugar scrubs – to unsaturated, farm stands.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a combination of a matter of time, building up a good reputation with Google, having some solid back links (people linking to your site), and having good search terms. I’m sure you’re off to a good start because you know what your niche is and are building up content to fit that niche!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m not that far ahead! I’m still learning myself so I just keep seeking out good methods until something sticks. Your titles are really good and clickable so I think you’re on the right track!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I wondered about this things at the start…but now I start write something every day and try to interact with a handful of other blogging. That;s it. SEO? no idea. Taggging? never done it. Do you think matters much Jess? I guess it all depends on your goals right..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I never said that these things needed to be done in order to run a good blog, they just help gain exposure and encourage audience growth by making it easier for people interested in your type of content to find your posts. If you’re happy with what you’re doing then feel free to continue doing it. I just shared what has worked for me for anyone who is wondering what else they can be doing to grow the audience of their site 😊 everyone has their own methods that work best for them so there is no real right and wrong


      1. I think it did, personally! I grew by almost 300% last year by just doing the tips I listed. But just because I saw that kind of growth doesn’t mean it is guaranteed for everyone because there are always variables that can contribute to how quickly each individual’s site grows and what kind of engagement it receives (subject matter, how specific the audience is, how frequently the blogger chooses to post, etc.)

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